• Unreal Engine SDK
  • Get Started
  • Before Start

Before you start

SDK walk-through

Components interaction

Mirage SDK enables interacting with the blockchain for the latest Unreal Engine 5+.

The interaction components are the following:

  • Frontend: Unreal Engine 5+
  • Backend:
    • Unreal Engine uses Mirage API to interact with the blockchain.
    • Mirage handles the Unreal Engine to blockchain communication.

SDK's functionality

Currently, the SDK supports the following functionality for Unreal Engine:

  1. Connecting a wallet (MetaMask) and authenticating a user.
  2. Updating NFTs.
  3. Minting NFTs.


  1. Having smart contracts deployed on the blockchain.
  2. Having smart contract addresses and ABI for those smart contracts deployed.

SDK Installation

  1. Download the MirageSDK.zip package from the latest release.
  2. Unzip the MirageSDK.zip package to your Unreal Project's Plugins folder.
  3. Delete the Binaries, Intermediate, and Saved folders.
  4. Right-click .uproject and then select Generate Visual Studio project (or Services > Generate Xcode project) to generate either of those.
  5. Open the generated Visual Studio (or Xcode) project and check if the plugin is included inside the Game project.
  6. Locate your GameInstance.h if already created. If not, add the C++ class from Content Browser in Unreal Engine, check Show All Classes and select GameInstance. Name your class MyGameInstance.
  7. Open MyGameInstance.h and include the following code:
       #include "MirageClient.h"
       UMirageClient* mirageClient;
       UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "MIRAGE SDK")
       UMirageClient* GetMirageClient();
  8. Open MyGameInstance.cpp and include the following code:
    UMirageClient* UMyGameInstance::GetMirageClient()
        if (mirageClient == nullptr)
            mirageClient = NewObject<UMirageClient>();
        return mirageClient;
  9. Add MirageSDK to your Unreal Project/Source/Unreal Project/Build.cs as follows:
    PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "MirageSDK" });
  10. Click Edit > Project Settings > Maps and Modes, and select your newly created or already created GameInstance from the GameInstance Class dropdown.
  11. Now you can call all the functions in the blueprint by getting GetGameInstance > GetMirageClient.