• Unity SDK
  • SDK Reference
  • EthHandler


A class containing the methods for making transactions, estimating transactions fee, and getting data on that.

Public methods



Task<string> GetDefaultAccount()


  • string — an account address.

The method returns address that your wallet provided. There is no way to change it from SDK because it has a pair private key stored in your wallet. To change a default address, open your wallet and change it manually.

Code example

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class GetAddressExample : MonoBehaviour
	private IEthHandler _eth;
	private void Start()
		var mirageSDK = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("http://...");
		_eth = mirageSDK.Eth;
	public async UniTaskVoid GetAddress()
		var address = await _eth.GetDefaultAccount();



Task<BigInteger> GetBalance(string address)


  • address (string) — an account address. The method returns the default account's balance if the parameter hasn't been specified.


  • BigInteger — an account balance in WEI.

Retrieves account balance info in WEI units. To convert balance into other units, use Web3.Convert.

To find more info on the currency units, have a look at the Currency Units section.

Code example

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.Util;
using Nethereum.Web3;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
    public class GetBalanceExample : MonoBehaviour
        private IMirageSDK _mirageSDKWrapper;
        private void Start()
            _mirageSDKWrapper = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("https://...");
        public async void GetBalance()
            var balanceInWei = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBalance();
            var etherAmount = Web3.Convert.FromWei(balanceInWei);
            var gweiAmount = Web3.Convert.FromWei(balanceInWei, UnitConversion.EthUnit.Gwei);



Task<BigInteger> GetBlockNumber()


  • BigInteger — the latest block's number.

Returns the latest block's number.

Code example

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.Util;
using Nethereum.Web3;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
    public class GetBlockNumberExample : MonoBehaviour
        private IMirageSDK _mirageSDKWrapper;
        private void Start()
            _mirageSDKWrapper = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("https://...");
        public async void GetBalance()
            var currentBlock = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockNumber();



Task<Transaction> GetTransaction(string transactionReceipt)


  • transactionReceipt (string) — a transaction hash.


  • Transaction — returns a transaction object.

Returns a transaction for the transaction hash specified.

Code example

using System;
using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
	private IContract _contract;
	private IEthHandler _eth;
	private void Start()
		var mirageSDK = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("http://...");
		_contract = mirageSDK.GetContract("0x...","...");
		_eth = mirageSDK.Eth;
	public async void Call()
		var transactionHash = await _contract.CallMethod("yourMethodName", Array.Empty<object>());
		var trx = await _eth.GetTransaction(transactionHash);
		Debug.Log($"Nonce: {trx.Nonce}");



Task<TransactionReceipt> GetTransactionReceipt(string transactionHash)


  • transactionHash (string) — a transaction hash.


  • TransactionReceipt — a transaction receipt object.

Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash. Method resolves when transaction is mined.

How to get contract events from receipt

If contract method that you called emits an event, you can get it from TransactionReceipt on ReceiptReceived stage. But first you need to create a DTO corresponding to a contract event.

public void HandleReceipt(object sender, TransactionReceipt receipt)
	var transferEventOutput = receipt.DecodeAllEvents<DTO>();
	transferEventOutput[0].Event./// Get all data what you need

Code example

using System;
using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class ContractExample : MonoBehaviour
	private IContract _contract;
	private IEthHandler _eth;
	private void Start()
		var mirageSDK = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("http://...");
		_contract = mirageSDK.GetContract("0x...","...");
		_eth = mirageSDK.Eth;
	public async void Call()
		var successsStatus = 1;
		var transactionHash = await _contract.CallMethod("yourMethodName", Array.Empty<object>());
		var receipt = await _eth.GetTransactionReceipt(transactionHash);
		if (receipt.Status.Value.Equals(successsStatus))
			Debug.Log("Transaction was successful");
			Debug.Log("Transaction has failed");



Task<BigInteger> GetTransactionCount(string hash) OR
Task<BigInteger> GetTransactionCount(BlockParameter block)


  • hash (string) — a block hash.
  • block — a BlockParameter that can be either a number of blocks or the earliest, latest, or pending options.


  • BigInteger — a number of transactions in the block specified.

Retrieves a number of transactions in the block specified.

Code example

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
    public class GetTransactionCountExample : MonoBehaviour
        private IMirageSDK _mirageSDKWrapper;
        private void Start()
            _mirageSDKWrapper = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("https://...");
        public async void GetBalance()
            var blockHash = "0x...";
            ulong blockNumber = 99999;
            var blockTransactionsCountByHash = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetTransactionCount(blockHash);
            var latestBlockTransactionsCount = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetTransactionCount(BlockParameter.CreateLatest());
            var blockTransactionsCountByNumber = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetTransactionCount(new BlockParameter(blockNumber));



Task<BlockWithTransactions> GetBlockWithTransactions(string hash) OR
Task<BlockWithTransactions> GetBlockWithTransactions(BlockParameter block)


  • hash (string) — a block hash.
  • block (string) — a BlockParameter that can be either a number of blocks or the earliest, latest, or pending options.


  • BlockWithTransactions — a block object containing transactions objects.

Code sample

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
    public class GetBlockWithTransactionsExample : MonoBehaviour
        private IMirageSDK _mirageSDKWrapper;
        private void Start()
            _mirageSDKWrapper = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("https://...");
        public async void GetBalance()
            var blockHash = "0x...";
            ulong blockNumber = 99999;
            var blockByHash = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactions(blockHash);
            var latestBlock = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactions(BlockParameter.CreateLatest());
            var blockByNumber = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactions(new BlockParameter(blockNumber));



Task<BlockWithTransactionHashes> GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(string hash) OR
Task<BlockWithTransactionHashes> GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(BlockParameter block)


  • hash (string) — a block hash.
  • block (string) — BlockParameter that can be either a block number or the earliest, latest, or pending options.


  • BlockWithTransactionHashes — a block object containing transactions hashes.

Returns a block specified by a block number or block hash.

Code example

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DefaultNamespace
    public class GetBlockWithTransactionsHashesExample : MonoBehaviour
        private IMirageSDK _mirageSDKWrapper;
        private void Start()
            _mirageSDKWrapper = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("https://...");
        public async void GetBalance()
            var blockHash = "0x...";
            ulong blockNumber = 99999;
            var blockByHash = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(blockHash);
            var latestBlock = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(BlockParameter.CreateLatest());
            var blockByNumber = await _mirageSDKWrapper.Eth.GetBlockWithTransactionsHashes(new BlockParameter(blockNumber));



Task<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(string from, string to, string data, string value, string gas, string gasPrice, string nonce) OR

Task<HexBigInteger> EstimateGas(TransactionInput transactionInput)


  • from (string) — a sender's account address.
  • to (sting) — the destination address of the message.
  • data (string; optional) — a contract's function call data.
  • value (string; optional) — a value transferred for the transaction (in wei).
  • gas (sting; optional) — a maximum gas value provided for this transaction (gas limit).
  • gasPrice (string; optional) — a gas price (in wei) to use for this transaction.
  • nonce (integer; optional) — allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce.
  • transactionInput — an object containing transaction parameters.


  • HexBigInteger — a gas amount.

Retrieves an amount of gas for the transaction specified.

Code example

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class EstimateGasExample : MonoBehaviour
	private IEthHandler _eth;
	private void Start()
		var mirageSDK = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("http://...");
		_eth = mirageSDK.Eth;
	public async UniTaskVoid EstimateGas()
		var sender = "0x...";
		var receiver = "0x...";
		var value = "1"; // in Wei
		var gas = await _eth.EstimateGas(sender, receiver, value: value);



Task<string> Sign(string messageToSign, string address)


  • messageToSign (string) — a message that has to be signed.
  • address (string) — an account address.


  • string — a signature.

Signs the data using an account address specified.

Code example

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using UnityEngine;
public class SignExample : MonoBehaviour
	private IEthHandler _eth;
	private void Start()
		var mirageSDK = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("http://...");
		_eth = mirageSDK.Eth;
	public async void SignMessage()
		var address = await _eth.GetDefaultAccount();
		var message = "Hello world!";
		var signature = await _eth.Sign(message, address);
		Debug.Log($"Signature: {signature}");



Task<string> SendTransaction(string from, string to, string data, string value, string gas, string gasPrice, string nonce)


  • from (string) — a sender's account address.
  • to (sting) — a destination address of the message.
  • data (string; optional) — a contract's function call data.
  • value (string; optional) — a value transferred for the transaction (in wei).
  • gas (sting; optional) — a maximum gas value provided for this transaction (gas limit).
  • gasPrice (string; optional) — a gas price (in wei) to use for this transaction.
  • nonce (integer; optional) — allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce.


  • string — a 32-bytes transaction hash.

Sends a transaction to the network.

Code example

using MirageSDK.Core.Infrastructure;
using MirageSDK.Provider;
using Cysharp.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
public class SendTransactionExample : MonoBehaviour
	private IEthHandler _eth;
	private void Start()
		var mirageSDK = MirageSDKFactory.GetMirageSDKInstance("http://...");
		_eth = mirageSDK.Eth;
	public async UniTaskVoid SendTransaction()
		var sender = "0x...";
		var receiver = "0x...";
		var value = "1"; // in Wei
		var trxHash = await _eth.SendTransaction(sender, receiver, value: value);



UniTask WalletAddEthChain(EthChainData chainData)


  • chainData (EthChainData) — chain data.

Add new chain to wallet.



UniTask WalletSwitchEthChain(EthChain chain)


  • chain (EthChain) — object with chain id.

Switch wallet to given chain.



UniTask WalletUpdateEthChain(EthUpdateChainData chain)


  • chain (EthUpdateChainData) — chain data for update.

Update existed chain data