Currency units
Here is the list of the most used currency units:
Name | in WEI |
WEI | 1 WEI |
KWEI (Babbage) | 10^3 WEI |
MWEI (Lovelace) | 10^6 WEI |
GWEI (Shannon) | 10^9 WEI |
Microether (Szabo) | 10^12 WEI |
Milliether (Finney) | 10^15 WEI |
Ether (ETH) | 10^18 WEI |
Here is the list of the most used currency units:
Name | in WEI |
WEI | 1 WEI |
KWEI (Babbage) | 10^3 WEI |
MWEI (Lovelace) | 10^6 WEI |
GWEI (Shannon) | 10^9 WEI |
Microether (Szabo) | 10^12 WEI |
Milliether (Finney) | 10^15 WEI |
Ether (ETH) | 10^18 WEI |